Daily Schedule

Morning Drop-Off

  • Morning drop-off is at the school courtyard entrance on 19th Street for grades K-5.
  • Pre-K has a separate entrance also on 19th Street.
  • 3-K students can enter the building starting at 8:20am through the courtyard entrance. Families must escort their 3-K child into the cafeteria and stay with them until 8:20am when teachers arrive. 
  • Arrival is recommended between 8:15–8:20 am on weekdays for a timely start to the day. 
  • The school courtyard opens at 8:00am. The cafeteria opens for breakfast at 8:00am. Families are encouraged to stay with their child in the courtyard until their class teacher arrives.
  • During inclement or freezing weather, students will enter the cafeteria instead of waiting in the courtyard. 
  • Late passes will be given to students who arrive after 8:20am and directed to their classroom. 
  • Families are only allowed to enter the 18th Street Lobby Entrance on the opposite side of the building.

Afternoon Pick-Up

  • Dismissal is between 2:30—2:40 pm on regular school days and at 11:30—11:40 am on half days.
  • Afternoon pickup is at the school courtyard at 2:40pm. Families are encouraged to arrive promptly between 2:30—2:40pm to wait for their child’s class to arrive.
  • Pre-K dismissal begins at 2:30pm through the same entrance as arrival.
  • 3-K dismissal begins at 2:30pm and parents must enter through the courtyard into the cafeteria to pick up their child.
  • During inclement or freezing weather, students will be dismissed from the cafeteria instead of the courtyard.
  • Students who haven’t been picked up by 2:50pm will await dismissal from the cafeteria via the 18th Street Lobby Entrance.

WIndows of Safety and Security

  • There are two “windows of safety and security” that take place during arrival and dismissal times.
  • The First Window of Safety and Security is for morning arrival. It is from 8:00—8:25am.
  • The Second Window of Safety and Security is for dismissal. It is from 2:20—2:50pm.
  • During the windows of safety and security, no visitors, including parents or guardians, or early pick up will be allowed in the school building.
  • The only visitors that will be allowed will be the parents for 3K and Pre-K who are to follow the arrival and dismissal procedures outlined above.

Daily Schedule

There are seven class periods throughout the day, which also incorporates time for lunch, recess, and special classes such as art and music.

  • Period 1: 8:20—9:10am
  • Period 2: 9:15—10:05am
  • Period 3: 10:10—11:00am
  • Period 4: 11:05—11:55am
  • Period 5:12:00—12:50pm
  • Period 6: 12:55—1:45pm
  • Period 7: 1:50—2:30pm